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When should I use a Screw Cap vs. a Norell VT NMR tube?

Both of these types of NMR tubes are used for protecting samples from atmospheric gases. The Norell VT NMR tube offers greater sealing ability under vacuum and pressure applications. The screw cap tube should only be used to seal samples under ambient pressure and temperature conditions. We recommend either the following:

Norell VT item numbers:

S-5-600-VT-7 600 MHz 7” long
S-5-600-VT-8 600 MHz 8” long
S-5-500-VT-7 500 MHz 7” long
S-5-500-VT-8 500 MHz 8” long
S-5-400-VT-7 400 MHz 7” long
S-5-400-VT-8 400 MHz 8” long
S-5-300-VT-7 300 MHz 7” long
S-5-300-VT-8 300 MHz 8” long

Or the Norell Screw Cap item numbers:

S-5-600-SC-7 600 MHz 7” long
S-5-600-SC-8 600 MHz 8” long
S-5-500-SC-7 500 MHz 7” long
S-5-500-SC-8 500 MHz 8” long
S-5-400-SC-7 400 MHz 7” long
S-5-400-SC-8 400 MHz 8” long
S-5-300-SC-7 300 MHz 7” long
S-5-300-SC-8 300 MHz 8” long

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